October Meeting
Monday 30th October 2023.
The Union Club
Stevens Street
Alderley Edge SK9 7NL. 7.15pm for 7.30pm
Listed Buildings of Alderley
This is an in house collaboration, using extensive research by our local historian Michael Scaife and photos from David Fairbotham and Stewart Dyer.
There are 29 listed buildings in the parish and one just outside it (‘buildings’ includes anything which could be described as part of the built environment). A further 11 buildings are featured in a Local List compiled by Cheshire East which provides more limited protection.

Methodist Church. Built 1863 is one of our grade 2 listed buildings. Michaels talk will shed light on some of the less well known ones. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87489659521?pwd=NXEvdXc4YmxoSE5yakkzZlg4UnRiQT09 Meeting ID: 874 8965 9521 Passcode: 596625
Christmas Social. Monday 4th December 2023. The Union Club. & for 7.15pm start. Hot pot supper , and back by popular demand the Christmas Quiz.
Thinking of Christmas .
The History Group Calender is in production and will be available soon to buy. Priced £12.50.prints from the AHG archive magically brought to full colour by David at Wizzy Park Photography.

The Alderley RVS Luncheon Club. This runs every Tuesday at the Methodist Church School Rooms. It is open to anyone in Alderley and further a field who would like to have a hot cooked lunch and make new friends. £4(under review).They also provide a lift service for those living locally in Alderley. At present there is capacity for more members, to come and enjoy a freshly cooked lunch and also volunteers who will help with meet & greet, lifts, collecting money, food preparation and washing up! Something for everyone. This is an amazing club in our village, run by volunteers, who ensure everyone has a fun time. So if you can help/volunteer, or would like to come as a member (guest),or make a donation please contact Anne annebale@goggs.co.uk. or ring 01625 582514 INSIDE EDGE Alderley Edge Cricket Club A Sporting and Social History 1870 – 2020 At the last meeting Peter Higham told us about his new book, which charts the social & sporting history of the Alderley Edge Cricket Club. It will be available to buy from mid November. £30. Copies available from the Club or to reserve one –contact samraper@aecc.com
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