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October Newsletter

Writer's picture: Stewart DyerStewart Dyer

Now that Autumn is in full swing, and the nights are drawing in, our next meeting is in the cosy Union Club.

It will be a boggy meeting!

We welcome back out  our Honorary Patron John Wallace, who is talking about bog life!.

John has been part of the year long events in Wilmslow to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the discovery of Lindow Man.

   "Blackwater Bogs" -     

the bodies they hide and the secrets they tell 

The Union Club

Stevens Street,

Alderley Edge

SK9 7NL.

Monday 28th October 2024.

7.15 for 7.30pm.

Johns new book The Mire, will be available to purchase £10 and personally signed.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 891 3835 3270

Passcode: 071556

Other Dates for your diary

Monday 2nd December Christmas Social. Union Club. Please RSVP by Monday 18th November, for catering purposes. Hotpot supper, mulled wine & mince pie, and infamous Alderley Quiz

Saturday 7th December  History Group stall at St Philip & St James Church. 10 till 4pm. If you can spare 1 hour please come down welcome folk to our stall. Thank you.


AGM Monday 3rd February 2025. Union Club. Ray Walker will share his research on The Black Greyhound Public House, at the junction of Birtles Lane. Our History Group member Mike Bower's family lived their till 2016 and helped Ray with his own research and memories.


Hot off the press, the long awaited booklet on the history of the windows in St Philip & St James Church. researched and written by Michael Scaife. It was one of his last pieces of work.

We will have them on our stall at the Christmas Fair. 

P.S. St Philip & St James Church has been running a series of Morality Tales. , They are concluding the series this year with a talk by David Drewry "Our Changing Climate" Friday 18th October at 7.30pm £10 including light refreshments, plus Q&A session. David was director of Polar Research Institute 1984-1987. The Drewry

Ice Stream in Ellsworth Land is named after him. Pay at the door or use this Eventbrite link. Everyone welcome. 

David in Antartica
David in Antartica

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The Alderley History Group is a collection of passionate individuals, intent on exploring and explaining our past - shedding light on the history of our well-loved village, and using a historic lens to examine our 21st century community.


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