Following on from the success of our Christmas social, we will continue to meet at the Union Club. Our next meeting is the AGM, followed by a long awaited return of Nigel Dibben and Stephen Mills from the Derbyshire Caving Club, who will give us an update on the goings on under ground on The Edge.
AGM Alderley History Group Monday 31st January 2022. 7.15pm for 7.30pm Alderley Edge Union Club Stevens Street Alderley Edge SK9 7NL. followed by Nigel Dibben & Stephen Mills Under the Edge.

If you cannot come to the Union Club, join us on ZOOM.
Topic: Alderley History Group. AGM
Time: Jan 31, 2022 19:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 4642 0809
Passcode: 027448
See below agenda for meeting on 31st January and minutes from AGM 8th March 2021.
1.Welcome and introductions to guests.
3.Minutes from 8th March 2021.(our 1st AGM on Zoom) to agree.
4.Matters arising
5. Thank you to retiring committee members & new committee members to be elected.
6.Treasurers report,- Membership fees.
7.Review of 2021
8.Programme of meetings for 2022, (celebrations for Queens Platinum Jubilee 2-5th June 2022)
Arthur Faux has retired from the committee, and we thank him for his many wood work creations, and his local knowledge, which has been invaluable to our Group.
David Fairbotham and Sandra Woodall, both with lots of Alderley connections, and great research skills, have been proposed to join the committee.
Sandra, was born in Alderley , and has a wealth of knowledge, and research skills to help in future projects and has researched Dorthea Bradburys life . David, who takes fabulous photos under the name of Wizzy Park Photography, has interests in digital media archives, and has been already uploading archives digitally.
Current Committee members
John Wallace, (Treasurer) Kelly Windram, Sue Byrne, Michael Scaife, Val Slater(archivist), Olivia Johnson,(social media) Peter Marginson(membership) Mandy Parr (secretary)
Under the Edge
We welcome Nigel and Stephen back to our group. They will give us an update on what's going on under the edge in the last 10 years. Stephen reminded me he has been going down the mines since he was 9years old, when his mother told him not to go down and Nigel is one of the founding members of the Derbyshire Caving Club.
Looking down a deep shaft
Minutes AGM 8th March 2021
This was our 1st AGM on Zoom. (although our 4th Zoom meeting) I recorded it for the archives. 22 members joined us, so it was a good turn out.
1. Apologies. None.
2.Minutes of meeting 3rd February 2020. were agreed.
3.Matters arising, Di Bullock and Hilary Reeman have retired from the committee, after many years and we thanked them for all their work. They will continue to come to meetings, and be members.
We welcomed Peter Marginson, who has been a member of the group for 5 years and he will take over the membership role, and Olivia Johnson who will gets us up to date with social media. Olivia is the grand daughter of Harold & Margaret Smith, our founders.
4.Treasurers report. John Wallace said that despite everything our members have continued to pay their subs and we had £629.98 in the bank.. We are keeping the subs at £12 per person, and encouraged people to pay into our account directly
RBS Acc no. 10055367 Sort code 16-11-29. Alderley History Group,
5.Review for 2020
January 2020, the year started as normal with AGM, in the Methodist Church, and we welcomed back Historian Clare Pye , who told us about the Leicester family and the story of Tabley House, Knutsford.
March 2020 . meeting cancelled due to COVID. We updated our house keeping and gained a GDPR policy, and sent out all the relevant information.
April 2020 we put a virtual display of VE memorabilia on our FB page and it was well received.
MAY 2020. Our 1st meeting on ZOOM. John Wallace cheered us up with his potted history of Alderley .
10,000 years of Bling. It certainly brought some sparkle to our lives at the time.
June 2020 Graham Diliway joined us by Zoom, and presented his research into the Pilkington Family, who lived in Firwood, on Woodbrook Road.
November 2020 Graham delivered his second presentation on the Crewdson family, another significant family whose legacy remains today , -The Alderley Playing Fields. We had a glass wine and mince pie on Zoom!
6.Programme for 2021
We were still hoping to meet in person later in 2021. so we had no plans for meetings, "as it was a see what happens" so we had only 2 meetings planned at this time.
March 8th 2021 AGM with John Wallace Ragtime to Rock n Roll in 12 easy steps.
April 28th David Briggs . Highfield Estate in Wilmslow.
During the coarse of 2021 we actually had the following (not known at the time of AGM in March )
5th July. Invisible Worlds project. Zoom meeting with Dr Victoria Flood about their new project.
14th July Field trip to Tabley House.
27th July Pimm social night and show & Tell, at St Philip & St James Church.
28th September (in person) John Wallace AIR BORN
26th October (in person ) Claire Moore from Cheshire History Scapes Gt Warford, presented In Search of a Lather.
6th December (another 1st) Christmas Social in real life at Union Club.
7.AOB We have gained a new following during the year thanks to Zoom and Facebook. Made friends with Sandra Woodall, who was born in Alderley and has vast connections here, and also inherited all her fathers personal papers, which is a treasure trove. Hoping to meet with Sandra in the near future.
Stephen Wearne, has been logging the large maps from the AELP and has labelled them all. So thank you Stephen.
Val has been sorting out newly acquired archives and papers, and cant wait to get back into our cupboard. Thank you Val.
Meeting ended 8.10pm.
P.S. Just as we were finishing the meeting, a couple David & Anne Austin introduced themselves, they are ex-residents of Alderley. Anne's father ( Jack & Marion Chad) owned Rawson -Chads the shoe shop till mid 1980's.The shoe shop was where Timpson's is now. David's father used to work for Colin Garner (Alans Father)
David also remembered his Doctor was Dr Wallace (John's father) Anne lived above the shop on London Road from 1954 when shop opened until she married David in 1970,
It was lovely to meet them, and we were glad they shared their story. Thank you.
Look forward to seeing you all at the Union Club.
If you wish, you can pay your subs by transfer into our account before you come, (see account details above)and let us know for our records. OR We still take cash and cheques!
Mandy Parr Secretary AHG.