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2021 New Year and still Zooming.


Updated: May 4, 2021

The committee met recently and decided to carry on with Zoom meetings, until halls re open.

Our next meeting will be 8th March 2021 at 7pm, and this will include our AGM.

The AGM 2020 was our only meeting in real life last year as it turned out. We are glad we got the opportunity to have meetings on zoom, last year with our home grown speakers John Wallace and Graham Dilliway., and we thank them both.

AGM Alderley History Group Monday 8th March 2021 7pm ZOOM. followed by John Wallace Ragtime to Rock,n,Roll in 12 Easy Steps.

See below for the agenda for AGM 2021, and minutes from AGM 2020, and a link for the ZOOM meeting. Points to consider at AGM SUBS. in 2020 we collected subs from members that attended the AGM, and then obviously didn't meet again. Our outgoings last year were greatly reduced as we didn't pay for hall hire. We hope resume collecting subs this year , via bank transfer. Subs are £12 per member. (and £5 for a visitor to a meeting). Please consider giving an additional small donation with subs this year if you didn't manage to pay subs last year. Alderley History Group Royal Bank of Scotland Sort Code 16 11 29 Account number10055367. Your name as ref. MEMBERSHIP Our membership secretary Hilary Reeman is retiring from the committee. We thank Hilary for her diligence in keeping the membership lists up to date and collecting subs. we are looking for a member to take over Hilary's role. 2021 Meetings. Monday 8th March 2021 ZOOM Wednesday 28th April 2021 David Briggs. ZOOM Hopefully by the summer we maybe able to meet in real life and update our programme . WEBSITE. The new website will be launched soon, and will be be more interactive, with a blog which will allow members to add photos and comments. , and be linked to social media, face book & our newsletter.. We have gained a new following through social media in the last year, as people have had more time to enjoy researching history. hopefully we will gain some new members . ARCHIVES Work has continued through lock down in logging parts of the archives, and we have been given several new items, photos and an addition to the Landscape archive from Simon Timberlake. JOIN THE COMMITTEE We always welcome new ideas, if you would like to get more involved with archives, websites, research, future meetings, please contact Mandy Parr , LINK FOR ZOOM MEETING Topic: Alderley History Group Time: Mar 8, 2021 19:00 London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 884 9457 2647 Passcode: 803604

A.G.M. Notice and Agenda Alderley History Group 8th March 2021 Zoom link 7.00pm The Committee members are

Kelly Windram Michael Scaife Arthur Faux

John Wallace Treasurer Mandy Parr Secretary Sue Byrne Val Slater Hilary Reeman Membership Secretary and Di Bullock are retiring from the committee. On behalf of all committee and members I thank them for all their work and ideas over the years. We have room for new members to join our committee. Someone to keep the membership lists in order, and collect subs. Also a fresh approach to keep the group together and new ideas for meetings, If you are interested in join the committee or would like more information please contact me, before the next meeting. The A.G.M will be followed by our home grown speaker John Wallace who will share his love of music, “Ragtime to Rock’n’ Roll in 12 Easy Steps. Always intriguing and full of surprises. The Agenda 1.Apologies 2,Minutes 3rd February 2020 3.Matters arising. 4.Treasurers report Collect subs £12 per member. Ideas for a membership drive, bring a friend etc 5.Review of 2020 6.Programme events for 2021 7.AOB Speaker John Wallace. Ragtime to Rock n Roll, in 12 Easy Steps Dates and meetings for 2021 Monday 8th March AGM, and guest speaker John Wallace . ZOOM Wednesday 28th April 2021 .David Briggs Highfield Estate in Wilmslow. Minutes from AGM last year. AGM Alderley History Group 3rd February 2020 Methodist Church. 7.30pm The Committee members are John Wallace Treasurer Kelly Windram Mandy Parr Secretary Michael Scaife Hilary Reeman Membership Secretary Arthur Faux Sue Byrne Di Bullock Val Slater Apologies Peter Marginson 1.Minutes of 28th January 2019 , passed. Proposed John Tomlinson seconded Peter Buglar. 2.Matters arising. None. 3.Membership. Need to encourage new members to join group. Bring a friend. 4.Treasurers report £450 5.Review of 2019. Lots of opportunities and surprises along the way. January 2019 AGM and Claire Moores returned to tell us about reading the landscape, making walks more interesting. April Graham Diliway returned to conclude his findings on the Hopkinson family at the Ferns. May Geoff Scargill also returned to tell us about the Railway King Sir Edward Watkin, who lived in Northenden and built the 1st attempt Channel tunnel. July summer road trip to Gorton Monastery, for a super informative talk preceded by tea and Danish pastries, and then a walk about the Monastery. September , John Prag surprised us by giving us a paper archive from the Alderley Landscape Project, and we are calling it, the Harold Smith Memorial Archive. John Prag then did his last lecture about Reconstructing ancient faces , which has become a valuable tool in archaeology. October , Autumn field trip , Peterloo Walking tour with Ed Glinert, who we have invited to talk to us in March this year. Also we had a wonderful slide show of Peter Woollam family collection of photos of Alderley and surrounding with Peter telling his memories and stories of growing up, and we displayed some of the new archive. Michael Scaife published his booklet, “They shall not Grow Old,” The men from Alderley who gave their lives during WW1. Raised over £500 for British Legion. December The infamous Christmas party. With John Wallace telling us a gory story of the British army retreat from Kabul at Christmas 1842/43. With songs and cello from Stephen Mills and yummy hotpot from Kelly and Sue. Dates and meetings for 2020. Monday 3rd February AGM, and guest speaker Clare Pye . Methodist Church Monday 30th March Ed Glinert , The Pankhursts. Methodist Church Monday 8th June John Wallace, Story of Air Born. St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 21st September Sue Appleton , Elizabeth Raffald(the 1st Mrs Beaton) St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 26th October Sue Byrne, Evacuees in Alderley. St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 7th December John Wallace, anniversary of Pearl Harbour. Methodist School Rooms Other things happening in 2020, of which will be involved 8th May VE commemorations, Bank holiday weekend. The History group has been asked to compile a WW2 display of WW2 in Alderley. Please look out for any memorabilia/photos you may have we could street parties. 20th September World Champion Penny Farthing race Knutsford. July field trip, ideas? Committee re elected John Tomlinson reminded us that we hadn’t re elected the committee. It was duly done. AOB Val and Mandy still organising the archives on Mondays at 2.30pm St Philips Church. All welcome Hilda Gittens gave some memorabilia to the group, which she got from the Womens Social Club which disbanded when the Village Institute closed. Field trip suggestions for 2020 Chethams, Ryelands Library. Victorian Baths, Tabley House John Wallace welcomed back Clare Pye who enthused us with tales of the Leicester family of Tabley House Meeting ended 9.30pm. If you need help joining our ZOOM meeting, please contact me 07771752816. I look forward to discovering more stories in 2021. Mandy Parr Secretary.


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The Alderley History Group is a collection of passionate individuals, intent on exploring and explaining our past - shedding light on the history of our well-loved village, and using a historic lens to examine our 21st century community.


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