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Highfield Estate

Mandy Parr

Our next Zoom meeting on WEDNESDAY 28th April 2021.

Wilmslow born and bred resident David Briggs will tell us about the unique Highfield Estate in Wilmslow which his grandfather was the architect.

David himself semi-retired from a career in economic development working in the space between business, universities, national and local government. He is the next chair of Wilmslow Historical Society.


Thank you to all existing and new members who have paid in their subs, Subs are £12 for the year, you can drop a cheque round to my house "The Alderley History Group" or pay in to our account. in RBS. Account name Alderley History Group Account number 10055367 Sort code 16-11-29 Please put your name as reference..

Thank you. Future meetings. We are working towards a good summer , where we will be free to mix with friends and groups such as ours, (with certain restrictions)St Philip & St James Church as a marquee in the grounds, and I will book a Summer Social, Show & Tell , Pimms & Strawberries. Actual date TBC.

Summer Field Trip I have provisionally booked a field trip to Tabley House. Wednesday 14th July 1-3pm. Coffee shop will open, so we can have a snack. £7 per head for house tour. . We need min of 20. Clare Pye whet our appetite for Tabley House after her informative talk in January 2020. Meetings September , October and December will be on Zoom or perhaps a mixture of both. Only time will tell. Website Keeping best for last. I have great pleasure in announcing our website will go live on the morning of our next meeting 28th April. We wish to thank Christopher Farfan for setting up and working hard to create a colourful and easy to use website, including live blogs, which anyone can contribute to , the newsletter and links to Facebook can be accessed. Olivia (our new committee member) will be in charge of social media. It will be easy to join our group, and I hope everyone will enjoy using it. Archives We have acquired over the past year, several new collections of papers and "stuff". Once we can get back into our Heritage Centre at St Philip & St James Church , we will begin to log and file them and have some ready for our Summer Social end June. Thank you for all your support and messages during the year, and here's to the future!

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Alderley History Group

Heritage Centre St Philip & St James Church Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ

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About Us

The Alderley History Group is a collection of passionate individuals, intent on exploring and explaining our past - shedding light on the history of our well-loved village, and using a historic lens to examine our 21st century community.


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